Disney's Villain

Disney's Villain

Saturday 26 April 2014


What is it that it is so harmful and evil in intent or effect? 

Well, say the name it’s Maleficent.

She’s one of my all-time favorite villain in Disney. But I must admit I didn’t know her name was Maleficent during that time. All I know is that she’s an evil fairy that makes Aurora’s life a living hell in Sleeping Beauty (1959).  I wasn't born when the film released and I’m pretty young when I first watch it so all I know is Aurora, the heroine and that there’s a prince to save her from that evil fairy.

That’s what kids notice first, the heroine. We’re just bunch of kids who are only interested on the heroine, the princess, the prince, the king and queen and we don’t care about the villain. We just hate them for being a meanie.

But how about the villain? Who cares about the villain? All they do is bully the heroine. That’s what we know. We didn’t know they’re side of story. It’s just one-sided. Always.

What if there’s a real reason why they become like that? Something much deeper than we thought.

Just like Maleficent.

I’m intrigued on why she became evil when she’s like the other fairy godmother. I wonder if she for once, a good fairy?

What happened to her? What made her to be like that? I know there’s a reason for that.

She’s really mysterious that she creeps me out. With all that dress she's wearing. All black and gloomy. It brings shiver down my spine just by imagining she's gonna appear right in front of me. Brrr. But still, I;m curious. Why is she like that? Evil?

This curiosity of mine start when Disney shows the trailer of “Maleficent” starred by Angelina Jolie. That’s how I know her name… that evil fairy is Maleficent.

Angelina Jolie as Maleficent

If you want to know her reasons, well it's for me to know and you to find out... 

I’m looking forward to see that movie. SOON!

Who's Your Villain?

Who is your favorite villain?

While it is very common to ask “who is your favorite heroine of all time?” does anybody ask you who’s your favorite villain of all time?

What is the importance of having a villain in a story? Well, they’re pretty important I might say, if it wasn't for them how the heroine would prove that they are heroes? From whom they would save their loved ones?

They’re the one who makes the story interesting. And if you hate them for what they have done to the heroine then they are proven to be effective villains.

So who is your favorite villain? Me?

I have some in mind. And they were pretty evil…

Disney's Villains